Heal Your Relationship with the Strong Black Woman Syndrome
When was the last time you stopped and focused on your needs, plans, goals, and desires?
If you can't even remember:
- the last time you put yourself first,
- the last time you said "no" without having to explain yourself,
- the last time you gave yourself permission to step into your feminine energy,
- the last time you promised yourself that you would take a risk, the last time you would invest in your joy, then...
it's time you healed your relationship with the Strong Black Woman Syndrome, Sis.
And I say this with love, you're allowing the Strong Black Woman Syndrome— with the cap and the boots— to kill you slowly.
This workbook and journal reminds you that your purpose in this world has NOTHING to DO with being everybody's soft space to go home to. NO.
You are more than that.
You are more than what you can do for others.
You are more than what you can be for others.
Go through each of these exercises to come home to yourself.
Your elevated self will be glad that you reconnected so you can go about living a life aligned with your values, dreams, and hopes.